Selasa, 08 Januari 2008

Dear Trex

Dear Trex,

Today I wake up late because yesterday I do my homework
until 10:00 so I cannot wake up early. In school after I pass
my homework and other things I go to the computer room
to practice some keys. After practicing I go infront and seatdown
in the floor. Went seating down I listen what Mr.Perico said.
You know what Trex I very angry because Hafizh always hate
me and he always tice me and very angry but I just ignore
him. Hafizh said sorry to me and I be his best freind agian.
When I go home I tell my to go to edukids to buy a
ink for my printer but the women said what number
I very convuse what talking about so didint buy
the ink. When I get home I do my homework. Went
I do my homework my driver come he tell me what is
the number of the ink and I tell the number before I
know the number went get home I see my printer number
so I know. After I tell the number my driver go to edukids
and buy it. Went my driver come he said the ink is empty
so I use my old little ink. After that I do my homework .

bye bye TREX

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