Sabtu, 15 Desember 2007

Dear Trex

Dear Trex,
In the morning I woke up at 8:30. its very late I cannot eat fast
so my father eat in the motning bakery. After I eat there I go home
to play my playstation. After I play my playstation my friend come
to my house to play. My mother ask me do you want to follow me to
Centre Point. In there I play like a timezonne but is not a timezone.
After finish I go home I watch tv. After I watch tv I play with my small
brother. After I play its 8:00 aclock so I do my homework until nine aclock .
After I do my homework read for 30 minute. After I read I play with
my brother 1 hour until 11 aclock.

byebye Trex

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