Selasa, 04 Desember 2007

My Diary

Dear Trex cute I want to talk about me in school.

In morning I go to school after that we must go inside the classroom to finish the plan.
When I was working Mr.Perico told to check the letter. When I was check the letter
Irene mad to me because I not helping Irene but I said to Irene Mr.Perico told me to
do checking and she always mad to me and I ignore her. In UOI I learn about feelings
and Mr.Perico told us to copy something that related to feeling unit. After finish copying I
Mr.Perico give us a work that also related with feeling. In that work we can choose other people
example dad and mom some write pokemon Dialga and Palkia. I give to Mr. Perico but my
is wrong than Mr.Perico told me to make agian and Mr.Perico help. after I finish that work
Insan ask me a quation like do you want give Mr.Perico something because Mr.Perico tich
as hard. Than I say yes ofcors I want to buy it to Mr.Perico. aafter my dady fatch me I go home and play eat and take a bath. After I take a bath I read my my friend blogger. After I read
I do the blogger. I think after doing the blogger I will read. After I read I will do adjective homework.


Dear Mr.Perico and classmate enjoy read my journal.

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